Planning ahead
October 06, 2018
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A quiet Saturday evening, a good time to dip into the Rick Steves archives on PBS. We just watched an episode from season 4 on Tuscan hill towns and from season 8 on Dubrovnik and vicinity. Nice appetizers for our visits soon to come! 24 Oct, 2018 My bucket list: Already booked and to be done in the next two years: We’ll see if we are physically and fiscally able to do this. [Update, a year later... New Zealand and Australia have been moved from our planning list. Cuba has been declared off limits to us, so that is off the list. We are giving serious thought to the Norwegian coastal cruise, thinking that may happen in May or June 2021. Meanwhile, in April of 2020 we'll do a Transatlantic from Florida to England, in August 2020 we'll cross from NJ to Dublin via Nova Scotia, Greenland and Iceland, and maybe cruise back on the same route. October 2020 we're booked for a New England/Canada Fall Colors cruise. We will keep on keeping on!]
Future Cruises,
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